About Keenan Crisp

Welcome to Foundations for Success Coaching

Our Mission is to assist individuals & teams with maximising their performance & potential, by harnessing the power of their mindset & habits, to elevate their career & achieve consistent success in all life arenas.

About Keenan Crisp

A former Paratrooper turned Power Yogi turned Performance Coach, Keenan brings the Yin with the Yang.

Keenan trained & led troops in Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and in East Timor.

He later took a five year sabbatical which included touring Europe on a motorcycle for 1 year, living in ashrams in India for 3 years & volunteering for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Doctors Without Borders for 6 months, where he logistically ran a hospital near the front line of a 10 year conflict in Congo.

On return to Australia Keenan led national & international yoga retreats, teacher trainings & he’s facilitated over 10k hours of philosophy, meditation, breath work & yoga classes to approx. 400-500 students a week for over a decade.

Keenan is a co-owner of 3 successful yoga studios & is regarded as a Master Facilitator. Check out his 30 Day Back To Body Yoga Challenge HERE.

Keenan is the Founder & CEO of Foundations For Success Coaching.

Rigorously trained as a Certified High-Performance Coach™, Keenan has over the past six years helped hundreds of business leaders & professionals gain clarity, generate energy, increase their productivity, develop influence, demonstrate courage, live purposefully & strive satisfied as Happy Achievers.

Keenan has remained dedicated over the past 20+ years to studying, mastering & sharing the Science of Success.

About Keenan Crisp / performance coach / mindset coach / life coach
About Keenan Crisp Mission / performance coach / mindset coach / life coach
About Keenan military / performance coach / mindset coach / life coach


Keenan grew up with an eating disorder which landed him in an anorexic/bulimic clinic for a month when he was 10.

Keenan watched his Mother’s health slowly deteriorate for over a decade before she finally passed away when he was 14.

Keenan was abducted by theives in Tanzania and was also ambushed by Maoists in the Himalayas who torched his vehicle, threatened his life and made him walk 14 kms in sub zero temperatures to the nearest town.

Keenan has witnessed 3 wars and sadly many crimes against humanity.

Keenan has learnt how to perform within extremely high-pressure situations.

Executive Training 

Keenan has conducted leadership training for individuals and teams from major corporations including CBA, Lulu Lemon, NAB, NSW Treasury, Zurich, PWC, Telstra, RogenSi, and Suki Hair, as well as many smaller businesses.

Keenan has also led national and international yoga retreats, teacher trainings, workshops, seminars and over ten thousand hours of yoga, meditation and breath work classes.

About Keenan Crisp
About Keenan Crisp army
Our Philosophy 

“Be and Make”.
Be a “happy achiever”, rather than achiveing to be happy.
“Strive Satisfied”. It’s the journey not the destination
The ultimate service that we can render to Life is to give full expressiona to what Life has come to give through us.

Take Action 

If you’re seeking support or aiming for clear strategies to enhance your performance both at work and at home, click the link below for a 15-minute curiosity call. During this call, Keenan will assess if he can guide you from where you are to where you want to be.

If it seems promising, he’ll schedule a one-hour screening call to delve deeper into your current situation. If you’re a good fit for the program, Keenan will outline the next steps should you choose to collaborate with him. Click the blue button below to get started

About Keenan Crisp Yoga


What Our Client Are Saying
About Our Services

Alessandro Pavoni


This FFSC program is Amazing. Keenan’s coaching changed my life. Before I wasn’t in a good place, I knew I had power in me but was not applying it to my life. I was frustrated and depressed because of that. Keenan put all stars back into alignment for me. Now I feel more organized, more powerful and I feel people follow me as their true leader. Most importantly I am now A LOT happier, not only at work, but at home with my family and my wife Anna. I am excited to spend quality time with family and friends, and my performance went 3 levels up. I am living with passion and confidence and I feel I inspire others to do the same. Keenan thank you for changing my life. I will always be grateful for this.

Lisa Wade

CEO, Digitalx

Working with Keenan Crisp has actually changed my life. If you want to get your life to a ten out of ten and really level up, I highly recommend FFSC Program with Keenan. I cannot believe I’m standing right here now in Perth, I’m the CEO of a listed company. All of the things and all of the dreams I never thought could come true are happening across all arenas of my life. Because it’s not just about work, right? I do my yoga every day and my meditation, but mostly I do what I feel. And, it’s not about thinking, it’s just go and work with him. It’s amazing. I highly recommend it.