Overcome Anxiety



Learn how to overcome anxiety and regain the confidence you deserve. Watch the below videos to discover more about the three-part formula for overcoming anixety.

Overcome Anxiety
Overcome Anxiety
Overcome Anxiety
overcome anxiety by Keenan

1st video: Intro

overcome anxiety Know The Cause Lesson / performance coach / mindset coach / life coach
Overcome Anxiety

Part 1: Know The Cause

Know The Solution Lesson / performance coach / mindset coach / life coach
Overcome Anxiety

Part 2: Know The Solution

Positive Rituals Lesson / performance coach / mindset coach / life coach
Overcome Anxiety

Part 3: Positive Rituals

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Part 1: Know The Cause Of Your Anxiety

Anxiety is overthinking. Yes that’s right! Too much thinking gives you anxiety.

Overthinking is the cause of anxiety! That’s why motivational coach Keenan Crisp brings you lessons from his life to help you overcome anxiety and achieve peace.

Your mind is the sovereign agent of all your experiences. If you feel crap it’s because you’re having crappy thoughts. If you feel good it’s because you’re having good thoughts. If you feel nice it’s because you’re having nice thoughts. If you feel horrible, it’s because you’re having horrible thoughts.

Epigenetic scientists have discovered that 99% of illnesses are stress related. Ie, it’s people’s thoughts that are killing them.

“As you think so you shall become” Bruce Lee.

Your mind is a bundle of thoughts. If you want to feel good, have good thoughts.

Thoughts and emotions are nothing but energy. Energy isnt fricken amazing, but since energy constantly transforms/changes, it’s easy to, therefore, see that the mind is but a story teller.

Like waves on a lake, the bigger the waves, the more damage is done on the shore line or if the waves hit the cliffs then a back wash creates even more kaos at the lake’s centre.

With lots of thinking, we feel like we are being tossed about and life is kaotic.

Only when the waves cease, does the lake become still.

Something good always comes from pain.

Your pain must NOW motivate you to practice the solution.

Part 2: Solutions to Overcome Anxiety

You have all the answers within you.

You know that the solution is obvious: Just stop thinking.

Oh but how do you do that you may ask?

The answer is through practice and nonattachment.

There are countless practices. Here are my top five:

1. Practice dying. As often as possible but particularly just before bed practice letting everything go. Just as you cannot take anything with you when you die, practice now letting everything go.

2. Breathing. I know right? Can it be that simple? Well it’s true, breathing is the doorway between the conscious and unconscious parts of your brain! From fight or flight to rest and digest. From Yang to Yin. From the outer to your inner world.

Now imagine you have a straw in your throat, inhale with a smile to create an aspirant/oceanic sound with your throat. Then exhale like Darth Vader but make the sound barely audible! This is called Ujjayi Breath. Do it for five minutes or longer as often as you can but definitely at the moment you become aware of anxiety.

3. The mental or verbal recitation of a mantra is another great practice to eliminate anxiety. The Mantra may be a Divine Name or any word that has or has not got any significance to the user.
Some examples of mantras without significants or meaning include: shirim, shiring, kirim, kiring, hirim, hiring, sham, shama.

A univeral mantra is mantra AUM/OM.
Chanting a Mantra that carries significance must be done with feeling or heart, as some would say.
There are three ways to chant mantra: Outloud, wisper, silently in the mind. From gross to subtle. The practice takes the user inwards to very quite states of mind.

4. Withdraw to a nice place to spend some time alone. It must be a nourishing place, like a forest, mountain, river or sea! Nature has the ability to recharge you when we unplug from the world and check in with our Spirit.

5. Make Now Easy. Since now is all there is why would you choose to let it be any other way? Too often you resist the moment! Give that habit up and replace it with “make now easy”. To achieve this, non-attachment is essential. Everything comes and everything goes. Holding on is ignorance because it’s based on a belief that something is going to last. Nothing lasts. “This too will pass”, “Amen” (which means so be it) and “is that so” are great phrases to help you “make now easy”.

Part 3: Positive Rituals to Help You With Anxiety

Your thoughts shape your habits. Your habits shape your character. Your character shapes your destiny.

Just as you prepare good food each day for your body, you must also prepare good food for your mind. Some form of mind prep is essential each and every day.

Things like daily strategising, exercising, finding good company, listening to good music, watching good films, reading good books, meditation, hiking and yoga are but a few non-negotiable positive rituals you could do.

Be creative but also be consistent. Your health is your highest priority. Health = physical, mental and spiritual well being.

Don’t be half-ass in your efforts. Your quality of life depends on it.

Develop practices that suit you and which you enjoy doing each and every day. They need to become positive rituals that you practice for life.